Marinated and grilled chicken breast and a blend of Mexican cheese nachos topped with lime crema and cilantro. I created this dish to pair with Vermentino...
An authentic Mexican salsa made with tomatoes, onions, and jalapenos. Serve with tacos, nachos, tortilla chips, black beans, refried beans, or fajitas...
Quick, easy and very good. I always make it as an appetizer for barbecues at home. Melted Cheddar cheese provides a wonderful, simple topping for the sauteed...
This ceviche recipe is from my husband's family from Peru. The ceviche is made with salmon, shrimp, and of course, lots of lime juice. You can substitute...
If you want easy and caviar, this is it. Just cream cheese with caviar. You may want to double the amounts depending on how many people are involved. Use...
These no-bake vegan and keto energy bites are made with only five ingredients, and are so simple even the kids can make them! These are ideal for a snack...
Spicy sauce used for dipping lumpia or egg rolls, or for dipping and drizzling over almost everything if you are a Pacific Islander. This sauce gets stronger...
Manicotti shells are stuffed with Italian sausage, beef, and cheese and then breaded and fried to perfect bite-sized snacks! These little fried lasagna...
If you like olives, you'll love this smooth spread. Walnuts and spices create warm flavor overtones. Spoon this mixture onto slices of your favorite toasted...
Yummy Greek caviar spread that will impress your guests and leftovers freeze well! Serve chilled with pita or crunchy bread. Leftovers can be frozen and...
Pimiento cheese spread is one of those Southern comfort foods that doubles as a really delicious appetizer. If solace is what you're seeking, use the spread...
This recipe is inspired by fried buttercup squash patties that I had at the best Caribbean restaurant in town! Enjoy the complex and satisfying mix of...
I am not a big shrimp fan! Not sure why, but it's true. However, my new easy grilled spicy shrimp has been a summer favorite and so easy with all of the...
This dip is always a hit at parties, and I never have any left over! You can make it ahead and refrigerate it overnight. Serve with tortillas, crackers,...
Buffalo wings made simple in an Instant Pot® and without the fry. The Instant Pot® cooks these to perfection. They hold together for easy handling but...
It may not sound edible, but trust me, once you start, you can't stop! The best part about the recipe, is that you can just leave the eggs alone, and they...
So simple and so good. My wife and I always freeze our leftover baguettes and sometime they do not thaw quite as fresh, so I tried grilling the bread and...
Yummy miniature meatballs in a chipotle tomato sauce. I have been serving these for years at various events and never take leftovers home. They are easy...
These gluten-free crackers make a delicious snack on their own or with dips and cheeses. You can add other seeds such as caraway, cumin, or nigella for...